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Iron Beaver Weightlifting; upcoming events, updates, and other fun!

WOD:   9/19/16

Amrap 25 minutes of:
400m Run with Medicine Ball 20/14
10 Power Cleans 185/135-lbs.




Iron Beaver Weightlifting; upcoming events, updates and other fun

Current news:

September marks Iron Beaver Weightlifting's 2 year anniversary and our 1 year anniversary as being a member of the CrossFit Train family. We are super excited to be a member of this awesome group of people and we have really enjoyed our time here and look forward to continuing this amazing relationship that we have between IBW and CrossFit Train.
In celebration of our multi anniversaries we are offering special for new members to the weightlifting team. During the month of September we will be offering a 50% off each new members first month of membership.

Strength & Conditioning class:

Also as a reminder about our Youth & Teen Strength and Conditioning class new members are always welcome to drop in on either of our classes for a FREE trial.
Class times:
Youth group (10-13) Tuesday & Thursday @ 6:30pm
Teen group (14-18) Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday @ 6:30pm

If you are interested in signing up your son or daughter for a trial please e-mail coach Swartz at

Fall Apparel:

With fall coming upon us so quickly we will be placing our yearly fall apparel order. We are ordering t-shirts and 1/4 sweaters. The T-shirts will be $25 and the sweaters are $50. The deadline to order is October 12. We use the money from this order to help pay for travel costs to competitions and other club costs that arise. To order a shirt you can either E-mail me at ironbeaverweightlifting@gmail or follow the link

Christopher Swartz, BS, CSCS, USAW Club Coach
Iron Beaver Weightlifting—
Head Weightlifting Coach
Ph: 541-285-3155