CrossFit Train 97333

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Jumping Ropes

WOD:   9/28/16

Five rounds for time of:
20 Burpees
10 Handstand push-ups
Run 400 meters




Jump Ropes!

For new members and old members alike. If you’re wonder what gear you may want to purchase first when it comes to gear for CrossFit, having your own jump rope is a great investment. I think everyone knows how tough those double-unders can be when you are first starting out. What having your own jump rope allows you to do is to customize the rope to the correct length for you and make sure it is the same every time. Then you start jumping with consistency and with practice you can get comfortable with the movement! Jumping rope is a skill that takes work, but getting to use the same tool everyone time will help you get better faster.

-- Sean Mackey