Halfway through Fit February!

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WOD:   2/16/17

Back Squat 7-7-7-7 reps

3 rounds for time of:
25 Wall-balls 20/14-lbs.
20 KB Swings 53/35-lbs.
15 Pull-ups




All you folks doing Fit February, you are over Halfway through! Luckily February is the shortest month so you have all got this!

Now, check out this awesome recipe brought to you by Jenna to help you get through the second half of the month.


Everything bagel spice!



Raise your hand if you are huge fan of Everything Bagels? My hand is raised real high. I saw a paleo blogger make some Everything Bagel Spice Oven Fries so I had to try it, I could always use more Everything Bagel Spice in my life!

Here’s the recipe that I used:

1 tablespoon poppy seeds

1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds

1 tablespoon dried garlic

1 tablespoon dried onion

2 teaspoons coarse salt

(Recipe found here)


I seasoned this liberally on some hot oven fries (Balance Bites recipe) and enjoyed! These were salty and crunchy and carby and delicious! I had lots of spice left over for next time.



References and Sources:

Spice picture:



Everything Bagel Spice recipe:



Oven fries:



Derek Eason