Congrats Fit February!

Friday Night Lights 3:30pm to 7:30pm!

Be there!

This week's theme is dress up as a Super Hero!


WOD:   3/02/17

3 rounds of Max Reps at each station:
2 minutes of Rowing
2 minutes of HSPU
2 minutes of Burpees
2 minutes of Sit-ups
2 minutes of Box Jumps 24”/20”


*Remember that tomorrow is 17.2, be reasonable today!





Fit February is over!

Congrats If you made it through or at least changed some habits for a month and made some progress.

So what is next!?


Here is a simple guide to help you move forward:

1. Write down and remember what you learned. What worked, what was a struggle, and what didn't work when it came to eliminating alcohol and changing your eating habits.

2. Try to maintain at least a couple of the habits or lessons that developed during Fit February. Maybe it's not putting sugar in your coffee or not drinking except for once a week. Little changes that become habitual can lead to bigger and better changes.

3. Don't just turn around and do the opposite of Fit February and make it Messy March. Maybe you've had a day or two to eat and drink some banned foods, but you were doing great during February so why not at least try to keep it up!

4. Keep your eyes out for future nutrition and lifestyle challenges, advice, and help. Read articles, try recipes, and stay on top of it!







Derek Eason