Why I (really) Do The Open.....
Why I (really) do The Open…
By Jon Strowbridge
My original response to this question was “WTF is The Open?” That was my bullshit response, but not the real reason that I participate in The Open.
It’s time to give my honest, vulnerable, real reason… I do The Open because of YOU!
Beneath the yelling, whistling, and cheering there is something truly special at work. We are a family. We make each other work harder, push further, and always find a sense of accomplishment no matter how we perform. When we fail, there is always someone from our CrossFit family there to encourage us and lift our spirits. When we crush it, the encouragement and celebrations are right there waiting from a coach or fellow survivor.
The Open isn’t just about how you perform during the workouts, it’s about everyone else who are working their ass off with you. When you let go and let yourself become immersed in the experience, you start to feel like you’re part of everyone’s journey. When you make that lift or hit that muscle-up, they were there cheering you on. They’re the ones that helped you push yourself that little bit farther. Whether you realize it or not, they had a hand in helping you to stretch beyond your capacity.
As a former “athlete”, I can tell you that The Open feels so incredibly different from being on a team outside of the box. It’s an opportunity to push yourself beyond your limits and take yourself to that “dark place.” Your lungs fill with the taste of iron and the sweat beads off of your face as you push through what feel like some of the hardest things you’ve ever done. It has a way of crushing your soul only to have it be rebuilt again with a renewed outlook on life. Those minutes after an Open workout are moments when I have felt more alive than ever.
So thank you, to you, my CrossFit family. You’re the people that surround me after a workout. You’re the people that build me up when I don’t think I have anything else left to give. You’re the reason that I drive to a box that’s 30 minutes from my house. You’re the reason that I keep coming back.
WOD: 3/22/17
5 rounds for time of:
1 Rope climb
10 Thrusters 95/65-lbs. or 50/35-lb. DBs
1 Rope climb
10 Power cleans 95/65-lbs. or 50/35-lb. DB
*You choose. Barbell or Dumbbells!