CrossFit Train 97333

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Iron Beaver Weightlifting

WOD:   3/23/17

Complete as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes of:
18 Box Jumps 24/20”
15 Pull-ups
12 Push-ups
9 Deadlifts 225/155-lbs.




A message from Chris Swartz of Iron Beaver Weightlifting:

Happy Spring CrossFit Train 97333!!

With March coming to a close I have a few reminders from Iron Beaver Weightlifting. 

On April 3rd-April 28th Iron Beaver Weightlifting will be offering a 4 week intro to weightlifting class. The class will meet Min/Wed/Fri at 8am or 4:30pm. Participants can attend either time or mix and match depending on availability/ schedule. The class will include learning the Olympic movements and their progressions. It will also include working on drills to improve your current technical abilities. If you are interested please talk to coach Chris or e-mail him at ASAP because the class is limited to 6. 


In addition this week is the last week for those of you wanting an Iron Beaver Spring Open t-shirt to order one. They are $15 and are only available until the end of this week. 


These are the same shirts that the competitors will be receiving. You can either talk to me (coach Chris) or purchase them by following the link;


Also we are looking for volunteers to help with loading at the IBSO on April 15th. Every volunteer that helps us out for 2 sessions will receive a free IBSO t-shirt. I'm placing the order this week though so I need to know what times you can help and your unisex shirt size before March 25th.