17.5 and its done!
Scores for 17.5 are due at 5pm tonight (Monday 3/27)
WOD: 3/27/17
3 rounds for Max reps of:
One minute of 135/95-lb. back squats
Rest one minute
One minute of chest-to-bar pull-ups
Rest one minute
One minute of 135/95-lb. power cleans
Rest one minute
17.5 is the last workout of the Open and it was a doozy. The final Friday Night Lights was a blast, National Anthem included!
I would like to give a huge THANK YOU to everybody who attended any of the Friday Night Lights these past 5 weeks.
Athletes, Judges, Spectators, and Family it was so great to have you all in the gym cheering and throwing down! So many good memories and fun times! Let's do it again next Year!!!
The National Anthem crew. How awesome was that!!!???
If you haven't got the chance yet you definitely need to watch the Fittest Woman on Earth,
Katrin Davidsdottir, take on the Third Fittest Woman on Earth, Sara Sigmundsdottir on 17.5
It is one Hell of a race and about as exciting as watching exercising can possibly get at the end.
The action starts at around 34 minutes in the video. Enjoy!