CrossFit Train 97333

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Make it Easy for your Judge!

This Thursday at 5:30am Barbell Club is Cancelled!



Friday Night Lights! 3:30pm - 7pm!

Week #3 Theme: College Sport Teams


WOD:   3/08/17

11 rounds for time of:
7 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
9 Push Press, 75/55-lbs. 
11 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14-lbs





Be a Judge-able Athlete

We are now two weeks into The Open! With three more workouts to go. For some of us this is the first time doing The Open for others it is another year in the book. Regardless, it is most likely one of the few times per year when we are being judged during a workout. Having someone there to make sure you make it through the full range of motion and complete all the required reps. Being two weeks in now, most of us have had the chance to judge someone during a workout and it isn’t always the easiest task. Making sure you as an athlete moves through the standards correctly makes it easy for your judge and in turn eliminates the chance of getting No Repped for you! Work hard to hold yourself to the standards and make things easy for your judge!

If you move well on a regular bases, when doing any workout, this should be any easy task! So make sure that you are holding yourself accountable and always preforming reps to the full range of motion and completing all the reps in every workout that you do here at CrossFit Train!

-- Sean Mackey




Now let's take a look at a couple great example of Athletes moving well and Judges judging well :)