CrossFit Train 97333

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The Power Snatch!

WOD:   4/24/17

Work up to a heavy Power Snatch

2 Rounds for time of:
80 Double-unders
40 Wallball Shots, 20/14-lbs.
5 Snatch,  155/105-lbs.




We just did a heavy Power Snatch/Squat Snatch complex last week, now all you have to work about is the Power Snatch.

Get heavy and stay above parallel!


Taken from HookGrip.

Here we have an awesome sequence of Lydia Valentin an Olympic Medalist from Spain hitting a 269-lb. Snatch.

The Only difference between what she is doing and what we want to be doing today is that she caught her snatch below parallel in the squat and we want to catch ours above. Oh and the weight, you will most likely be doing less weight :)

So, what are some important pieces of the snatch that this visual can help us to think about and hopefully do on our Power snatches today?

1. Staying Over the Bar - notice in the first three pictures of the sequence that Lydia's shoulders stay over the bar. Only when the bar has passed her knees does she begin to move back into the power position. When you snatch today make sure to cue yourself to keep your shoulders over the bar until the bar has passed your knees.

2.  Keeping the Bar Close - in frames 4 and 5 the bar is right against Lydia's body. She isn't scraping the bar up her legs, but it is as close as she can get it and then when the bar makes it to her hips there is definite contact! On your Power snatches make sure that the bar is being pulled into your hips and as you extend the bar makes upward contact with your hip crease.

3. Punch under the Bar- Take a look at sequence 8 and 9. This lift is happening in the blink of an eye and between these two sequences Lydia is punching her arms straight under that bar. When you receive the bar during your lifts today punch up as hard as you can to catch the bar with straight arms, there is no pressing in a snatch!

On all your lifts today Stay over the Bar, Keep it Close, and Punch Under into a beautiful partial squat----- The Power Snatch!