After the Open......

WOD:   4/25/17

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Shoulder-to-overheads, 135/95 lb.
Chest-to-bar pull-ups




After The Open!

Now that the open has been over for about a month you might have finally mentally and physically recovered and be thinking about what you need to focus on next. The open may have shown you some weaknesses that you have in your training either Olympic movements, gymnastics or using a dumbbell!! Here are a few tips to help you get prepared for the 2018 open!!

Figure out your training goals

Whether the open helped you realize some holes in your training or you want to sit down with a coach and figure out your biggest weakness. Establishing what you want to improve on will help you achieve your overall goals.

Game Plan

Once you have determined what your goals are and you need help figuring out a game plan. You can ask one of the coaches to help lay out a plan to improve these weaknesses while still staying on the regular programming that Derek has set up for you. But the next step is by far the most important!

Get to Work!

The only way to get better and turn your weaknesses into strengths is to work!! This means the time you spend in the gym use it wisely. That means when everyone is standing around talking you should be doing extra work while you can. This means stretching after working out or doing anything to help you reach your goals!


Now It’s time to get ready for next year’s open or any other competition you might be looking forward to! Please do not ever be afraid to ask the coaches for tips to improve. But the most important is to put the work in and kick ass and trust me the results will come!


By Jesse Gunnell


Derek Eason