Now What?
WOD: 4/05/17
AMRAP 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
10 Push-ups
10 Push Press 95/65-lbs.
Rest 5 minutes
AMRAP 10 minutes of:
30 Double-unders
10 Pull-ups
10 Power Clean 95/65-lbs.
Now What?
The Open is over! Congrats! You all did awesome and survived it.
If it was your first Open hopefully you had an awesome time and did somethings you didn’t know you could! If it wasn’t your first time, hopefully you still did the same! Now what?
Maybe you went into the Open with some lofty goals and things didn’t quite pan out, that’s ok! Every year the Open manages to magnify some of our weaknesses. May have been some that you knew about, may have showed you some you didn’t quite think about. Regardless, now is a great time to reflect on it and take out all the good things to help you set new goals or keep chasing the ones you have!
If you now have some new goals that you aren’t sure how to tackle, ask one of us coaches to help you get a game plan together! Whether it be wanting to get that first chest to bar pull-up or increasing strength there are always good ways to add to your accessory work after class if that’s what you’re looking for.
-- Sean Mackey
Once you accomplish goals keep making new ones!!!