The 2017 CrossFit Games West Regional
WOD: 4/10/17
Back Squat 6-6-6-6-6 reps at 70%
12 minute AMRAP of:
Increasing Ladder…
3 Kettlebell Swings
3 Goblet Squats
3 Box Jumps 24/20”
6 Kettlebell Swings
6 Goblet Squats
6 Box Jumps 24/20”
9…so on and so forth, until time expires.
Joey and Hayley after the 3rd and final day at the 2016 CrossFit Games West Regional.
Regionals are almost here!
Our region, the Northwest, will combine with Canada West to form the West Regional.
We compete the last weekend of Regionals from June 2nd - 4th.
Get excited and clear your schedules!
There will be more news to come and CrossFit Train will definitely be there in force!