Regionals Week 2 is underway!


Monday 5/29 (Memorial Day) there will only be one class at 10am. We will be doing "Murph".

Afterwards we will be having a Potluck at Travis Gray's house!

Party starts at 3pm.



WOD:   5/26/17


Establish a 1RM Turkish Get-up

2017 Regional Event 2
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Dumbbell snatches, Heavy!
Ring dips




Regionals kicked off last weekend and in case you didn’t know there are no barbells in sight this year! There are plenty of opinions floating around on the internet about that, but that’s neither here nor there. The athletes are going to be tested, and it is going to be hard. I’m actually a big fan of seeing more dumbbell work on this type of stage. It will really showcase the athletes who have worked extremely hard to be well rounded and who can adapt quickly to something that is a little different to what they potentially have been doing with a barbell or what they are used to. Be sure to jump onto the Crossfit Games website to see the events live!

Watch the Central, California, and Atlantic Regionals this weekend at: 


Next weekend the West Regionals will be going down live in Portland at the Expo Center!



Derek Eason