CrossFit Train 97333

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Memorial Day Murph

There is only one class today at 10am!

After class come to Travis Gray's house for a Barbecue/Potluck!

Party starts at 3pm!

Address: 6035 NW Burgundy Drive


Get hydrated and BRING WATER! It's going to be HOT!!!!


WOD:   5/29/17



For time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run

*All with a 20 lb. vest*


This workout, just like every single other hero workout, is designed to honor those who have fallen in the line of combat. Whether that be overseas protecting us from those that want to harm us, or here at home protecting us from the dangers that reside here. This one is a special one, not only is it designed to honor Lt. Michael Murphy, but also to honor the other 18 men who gave their lives on June 28, 2005.


(Prayer recited at the end of the ceremony in which Lt. Murphy was awarded the Medal of Honor)

“Lord, we are reminded how brief life can be and the importance of sacrifice and service to God and country. We leave here knowing that Michael Murphy’s life and death has not only impacted the Navy and its SEAL community but also an entire nation. His unselfishness, humility and devotion to duty, duty to his country, duty to the Navy, duty to his family and duty to God are an inspiration to all of us and it will challenge our young service members for generations to come. Now unto you O’ Lord Almighty, our Creator and eternal King, the honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.”