
WOD:   6/22/17

4 rounds for time of:
30 push-ups
115/75-lb. front squats, 20 reps
115/75-lb. push presses, 20 reps
30 sit-ups




Let’s talk about the importance of making sure we are taking in enough water! It is HOT out and about to stay hot out for a good couple of months.

Now, the “recommended” amount of water to consume is 8 to 10 (8oz) glasses of water a day. Of course we all know how much we can sweat in a WOD so we want to make sure we take in enough water because if we do not we can be facing some of the side effects of being mildly dehydrated such as fatigue, hunger, and headaches. These are some of the lesser signs of dehydration and can point to you needing to drink some more water! Now!

On top of fending of dehydration, increasing your water intake will help with fluid balance, refueling your muscles, help fight fatigue (so step away from that extra cup of coffee), help concentration and alertness, and boost your brain power! Those are some great benefits if you ask me, so everyone grab that water and drink it up!


Derek Eason