CrossFit Train 97333

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The Power Clean

WOD:   8/16/17

Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1 reps


16 minute AMRAP of:
2 Rope Climbs
8 Power Cleans, 165/115-lbs.
200m Run




The Power Clean!


The Pull

-Shoulders over the bar.
-Drive knees out and back
-Bar travels straight up.
-Back stays straight and does not change angle.
-Heels and forefoot on the ground, solidly.
-Bar stays as close to the body as possible.



The Extension

-Bar makes contact with body at upper thigh/hip.
-Extension of hips, knees, and ankles.
-Aggressive shrug to begin pull under the bar.
-Squeeze those cheeks!!!



The Catch

-Front rack position! Elbows as high as possible, two to three fingers on the bar only!
-When feet land elbows are all the way up!
-Quarter squat landing. That means knees out and hips slightly back. Just like a squat.
-Full foot in contact with the ground.
-Feet land in squat position, not super wide "starfish" style.
-A great heavy power clean lands as close to parallel as possible!