CrossFit Train 97333

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GOAT day

WOD:   8/30/17


EMOTM for 12 minutes:
Odd: GOAT #1
Even: GOAT #2


40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Box jumps, 24”/20”
Abmat sit-ups



What is a GOAT?

A goat is something that you have difficulty with. Or in harsher words, what you suck at. We all have these movements or modalities. Even the best athletes in the world have GOATs and weaknesses.

GOATs can be a variety of different things. They could be push-ups, or overhead squats, or running.

As an example my biggest personal GOAT would have to be the Wall-ball. I am not a big fan at them and have trouble doing large sets. 

So today you get the chance to choose a couple of the movements you need to work on and get some practice doing them in an EMOTM.

Us coaches will be there to guide you as to what movements to pick and how many reps to do!

In the meantime here are some common GOATs:

Handstand Push-ups
Strict Pull-ups
Rope Climbs
Toes to Bar

Overhead Squats
Squat Cleans
Split Jerks
Strict Press


And many, many, many more!!!!