Swim WOD

Endurance Club Announcements:

Tuesday 5:30am Endurance Club is cancelled until school starts back up.

Friday at 5:30pm is going swimming this week!



WOD:   8/10/17

5 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
20 Wall-balls, 20/14-lbs.
15 Chest to bar pull-ups



Swim WOD!

Well we are in the dog days of Summer and the best way I know to beat the heat is by getting wet (well and that whole air conditioner thing, but sitting inside’s no fun)! This Friday the endurance club will be meeting again at the Corvallis Aquatic Center to do a swim WOD. Last time we had a great turnout, had a lot of fun, and got in a great workout. So throw on your suits, strap on your goggles, and come join the Endurance Club at the Corvallis Aquatic Center this Friday at 5:30!

Make sure to bring $6 for the entrance fee!


The crew at the last swim WOD, as fast as Phelps!

Derek Eason