Competitor's Club

WOD:   9/07/17

Sumo Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps

3 rounds for time of:
15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
20 burpees
15 sumo deadlift high pulls, 95/65 lb.





By Hayley Gooding


Guess what…Crossfit Train is starting a Competitor’s Club! This is something that I am very excited about because I have been passionate about competing in CrossFit ever since I started. I hope this helps those that are looking for an extra push in their training find that passion as well!

An online competitor program will be followed by all of us in the Competitor Club. Programming will be provided. Competitor Club will run longer than a normal class. Clocking in at an available 2 hours, most sessions will be able to be completed in around 90 minutes. A session will usually consist of Strength and Skill work, a Metcon and extra Conditioning work. Movements will be high skill and weights will be heavy, workouts will be more complex and demanding.


This class is here to help you all increase your overall fitness in order to prepare yourself for the approaching CrossFit Games Open Season. This doesn’t mean you have to pick between this and regular classes because we encourage you to do a mixture of both! For example, if you can only make it a few days a week, I encourage you to go to regular class on the days you are unable to make it and (if time and space allow) try to get in some of the extra lifting for the day on the side with the coach’s permission. 



 Mon/Tues/Wed/Fr i=  1:00PM - 3:00PM

 Sat = 10:00AM - 12:00PM

NOTE: Thursday and Sunday are scheduled rest days but I will still be in the gym on Thursdays to make up anything you missed


Now, because I am going to be working out with this class and there won’t necessarily be a coach watching at all times, it is important that you move safely and are able to do the majority of the movements. This doesn’t mean we can’t scale (all of us do every once in a while) and I will be there to help you figure out a good scale, but it is important that you can be responsible for yourself at all times. Members of the Competitor Club need to be experienced with CrossFit, be dedicated to working hard, and be ready to have Fun will doing it!

Email coach Derek ( to talk about how to join the Competitor's Club and whether it will be a good fit for you! 


Derek Eason