Pull-up Grip?
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Snatch and Clean & Jerk Clinic, January 20th with Chris Swartz
---> Sign-up Here: http://www.ironbeaverweightlifting.com/intro-classes-clinics/saturday-weightlifting-clinics
WOD: 01/18/18
18 minute AMRAP of:
15 Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35-lbs.
12 Burpees over the Dumbbell
9 Toes to Bar
Pull-up Bar Grip
How to Grip the Pull-up Bar in order to be most successful has always been up for debate. Here at CrossFit Train we have always taught to use a Thumbs around Grip on the Pull-up Bar, meaning a normal grip, how you would grab a shopping cart handle for example. There is merit to both Thumb over and Thumb around grips, but there is a common theme among both grips: as much of the hand as possible needs to be wrapped around the bar to get the most out of all of your pulling muscles.
A few references on the subject:
Taken from CrossFit Training's Instagram:
Your pull-up grip affects strength, specific muscle groups, and skill transfer.
- Using a "thumb over" grip feels stronger.
- "Thumb over" emphasizes lats and upper back.
- "Thumb around" can be safer when doing high rep pull-ups.
- "Thumb around" transfers better to other movements with similar grips.
- Examples: snatch, clean, deadlift, kettlebell swing, muscle-up.
And a Video from Crossfit Jaakarhu:
Try out both styles of grip and find what works best for you. Thumbs around grip is the safest so if anything that should be your default. As always feel free to talk to a coach on the subject to offer some guidance!
Thank you Jason Hilkey for bringing up the subject!