Tribute WOD

Snatch and Clean & Jerk Clinic, January 20th with Chris Swartz
---> Sign-up Here:


WOD:   01/20/18

Officer McCartney Tribute WOD

For time with a Team of 3:
Row 2000m, shared
14 Thrusters, 50/35-lb. DB, each
34 KB Swings,70/53-lb., each
484 Double-unders, shared
108 Burpees, shared
2000m Row, shared
18 Deadlifts, 225/135-lbs., each

From CrossFit Yelm's Facebook page:

This is a tribute WOD to Officer Daniel McCartney.

Daniel is a coach at CrossFit Yelm, Washington. He passed away Monday morning 1-08-2018 responding to a home invasion. As every officer would do Daniel gave chase to the two men. He shot one, but unfortunately Daniel was fatally shot by the second man.

Daniel is such an amazing father and husband. He leaves behind 3 young boys and a beautiful wife that he loves with his whole heart!

If you find it in your heart to give please do if you just need to write a message we would love hear from you. Below is the account we have set up for Daniels family.



Derek Eason