November Skill of the Month: Gymnastics

WOD: 11/01/18

Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
25-cal. row
25 Burpees
25 Toes to Bar
25 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35-lbs.

The November Skill of the Month is…………..


  • We will work on skills ranging from ring rows to handstand push-ups to muscle-ups.

  • All of the extra work will be scale-able to any ability level as always.

  • Some work will,be included in class, some will be given to be done after class.

  • This month will be fun! I suggest that you all join in as much as possible!


Iron Beaver Weightlifting 6 week Foundations Class

Iron Beaver Weightlifting will be offering a 6 week Weightlifting Foundations Class starting November 12th with a 2nd class being offered on January 7th. 

The 6 week class will focus on correcting common trouble areas for most beginner and intermediate athletes including; Start position, Jumping forward/ backward excessively, Hitting the power position, Early arm bend in the pull, Pulling into a full squat instead of powering, along with other common troubles. 

Each athlete will receive hands on coaching and feedback from an International level weightlifting coach with 10 years of experience in the sport of weightlifting as a coach and athlete. 

Classes meet each Tuesday & Thursday at 4:30pm. 

Sign-up by following;

Derek Eason