CrossFit Train 97333

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Party to Celebrate Thom and Amber's Wedding!!!

Amber and Thom tied the knot on November 11, and they need to celebrate with their Train Family!!!

What: Party to Celebrate Thom and Amber’s wedding:

When: December 8 (Saturday) starting at 6:00 pm

Where: Patsy’s house:
3355 NW Taylor Ave
Corvallis, OR

How: There will be some meat and chicken dishes and the rest is potluck. 
Bring a dish to pass; some drinks provided but BYOB encouraged. 

WOD: 11/26/18

For time:

Row 1000m directly into,

21-15-9 reps of:
Left-arm kettlebell snatches, 53/35-lbs.
Right-arm kettlebell snatches, 53/35-lbs.

Directly into, Run 1000m