Bring a Friend Thursdays!


There will be no 5:30pm Open Gym/Endurance Club this Friday (6/8)

There will be no Saturday Classes this Saturday (6/9)

Iron Beaver Weightlifting will be hosting the Oregon State Championship in Weightlifting!



WOD:   6/06/18

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Push Press, 155/105-lbs.
Squat Clean, 155/105-lbs.
Strict Pull-up




Bring a Friend Thursdays!!!

With Summer approaching, long days, and warm temperatures now is a great time to bring a friend to CrossFit to try a class for FREE!

All Thursday every class is open to new people to give us a try. 5am, 6am, 7am, 9am, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, and 6:30pm classes are available each and every Thursday.

You don't have to be with your friend when they give us a try, shcedules can be hard to match up, just let them know that they are welcome to come see what this Crossfit thing is all about anytime on a Thursday!

Please try to get them to show up a few minutes early so they can sign our waiver, that's all they need to do!


Just a few friends hanging out on Memorial Day.


Derek Eason