Park WOD, Saturday at 9am!!!!
This Saturday (7/14) we will be doing a Park WOD.
We will meet at the Gym at 9am then we will be going to Avery Park for a WOD!
Be there!!!
WOD: 7/10/18
3 Rounds for time of:
15 DB Bent Over Row, 50's/35's
15 Abmat Sit-ups, Weighted, 50/35
15 DB Swing, 50/35
200m Farmer's Carry, 50's/35's
*For the rows & carries, men use two 50-lb. dumbbells & women use two 35-lb. dumbbells.
For the sit-ups & swings, men use one 50-lb. dumbbell & women use one 35-lb. dumbbell.