New Coaches Spotlight: Michael Hernandez

Michael Hernandez:

EMT and CF-L1

Athletic Background:

Played hard as a young boy! Runnin’, jumpin’, climbing trees. Played high school soccer and lacrosse. Wrestled for a bit as well.

Favorite Movement to Teach:

Love teaching the pressing series. (Press, push press, push jerk)

What Do I love most about Coaching:

PR’s are fun, but I love improving the little things!

Favorite Movement:

Power cleans!

Favorite WOD:


Favorite CrossFit Athlete:

Female: Kara Saunders

Male: Pat Vellner or Josh Bridges

Favorite Cheat Meal:

Pizza, or Taco Bell... I can always get down with a Big Mac.... pretty much anything I “shouldn’t” eat...

What I like to do besides CrossFit:

I enjoy school ( I know... NERD). Been known to throw down HARD on some call of duty! I also like anything outdoors and shootin guns with my buds! And Some good quality time with the wife is never a bad time :)

Favorite thing about CrossFit Train:


WOD: 02/07/19

20 minute AMRAP of:
20 Kettlebell Cleans (10/arm)
15 Kettlebell swings
10 Burpees over the Kettlebell

*53/35-lb. Kettlebell.

Derek Eason