Black Sabbath
WOD: 09/08/19
“Black Sabbath”
30 minute AMRAP with a partner:
60 Cal row
60 Wall-balls, 20/14-lbs.
60 Burpees over the rower
60 Power cleans, 135/95-lbs.
60 Wall balls, 20/14-lbs.
60 Burpees over the bar
WOD: 09/08/19
“Black Sabbath”
30 minute AMRAP with a partner:
60 Cal row
60 Wall-balls, 20/14-lbs.
60 Burpees over the rower
60 Power cleans, 135/95-lbs.
60 Wall balls, 20/14-lbs.
60 Burpees over the bar