CrossFit Kids!
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WOD: 01/31/20
10 minutes: Work up to a heavy Clean and Jerk
For time:
30 Bar Muscle-ups
*10 minute time Cap
Endurance Club (5:30pm only)
For time with a partner:
100 Double-unders
80 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35-lbs.
60 Calorie Row
40 Burpees
20 Toes to Bar
80 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35-lbs.
60 Calorie Row
40 Burpees
20 Toes to Bar
60 Calorie Row
40 Burpees
20 Toes to Bar
40 Burpees
20 Toes to Bar
*Share reps as needed.
*30 minute Time Cap