The Turkish Get-Up

The gym is closed until further notice. We will continue posting daily workouts complete with warm ups, workout briefings, movement demos, and cool downs so stay tuned and stay fit!

Check out our YouTube channel!


Train At Home

1:00 Single-unders
5 DB Push Press, each arm
1:00 Single-unders
5 DB Front Rack Lunges, each arm
1:00 Single-unders
5 OH Lunges, each arm

Turkish Get-up
7 sets of 3 reps/arm

(if DB is too heavy then
7 sets of 5 OHL/arm)

Workout Prep:
2 sets of:
4 Power Cleans, each arm
4 Lunges, each arm
8 Sit-ups

20 minute AMRAP of:
20 Power Clean, R
20 Sit-ups
20 Power Clean, L
20 Air Squats
20 Lunges, R
20 Push-ups
20 Lunges, L

Cool Down:
3 sets of:
1:00 Full Squat hold with Twists
1:00 D-dog on the Wall
1:00 Alternating Deep Lunges

Derek Eason