Extra Work, Pre and Post-Workout Mobility and the Benefits. Part II
WOD: 02/20/20
20 minute AMRAP of:
200m Run
20 Dumbbell Deadlifts,50/35-lbs.
200m Run
20 Deficit Push-ups (hands on DBs)
Extra Work, Pre and Post-Workout Mobility and the Benefits. Part II
by Austin Gray
Pre-Workout Mobility (often written on the board as Pre-Mob) is another thing programmed by your coaches. This is yet another opportunity for each individual member to not only better prepare themselves for the workout ahead, but also to work on exercises that will help increase general range of motion. Most often the Pre-Mob is tailored towards what exercises are being done that day in some way, shape or form. Again, these exercises are meant to be done before you start the class workout. Let’s get into some of the reasons that this Pre-Mob is beneficial for everyone.
The Pre-Mob is a perfect tool to utilize every single day you step into the gym. It promotes the body to engage in active range of motion drills, exercises that engage and prepare muscles and joints for further activity and prime the mind-body connection that is key to successful exercise. If you show up early to class then instead of just standing by the front you can use that time to get ready for the workout! It’s especially helpful if the body or the mind isn’t quite feeling like working out. The Pre-Mob will help wake up those pieces so when it comes time to warm-up, the intensity can really be ramped up.
The Pre-Mob is also incredibly important when it comes to preventing injuries. Being able to move the joints in all ranges of motion easily and to their fullest extent will help keep the body healthy and injury free. The Pre-Mob exercises are built just for that! They are created to put the body in ranges of motion that are often lacking but put them in those positions safely under minimal amounts of stress.
Hopefully you picked up something from this that will help you approach what you do in the gym every day in a way to improve yourself safely. Just like everything, this will take time to get better at and some days may be harder than others. Use one another to hold yourselves accountable, do it with friends, make it enjoyable! It’s all part of the process and doing it right is only going to make you better! There’s no reason not to take advantage of this tool, so use it!!!
-Austin G.