In This Together
The individualized and “At Home” workouts are getting a make-over.
Both the “At Home” and Individualized WODs will now be versions of the same workout. All your individualized workouts will be modifications of the same WOD according to the equipment and space that you have. You may also receive addition strength or skill work depending on equipment.
The goal of this is to bring all of you together around the same workout, just like any normal day at Train.
You will all be able to use SugarWod to log your results each day and we encourage you to comment and fist bump on each others scores as much as possible!
If you are getting individual WODs you will still be receiving them via email directly from Coach Derek. Your programming Coaches: Austin, Tanna, Hernandez, Charlie, or Elliott will also remain the same.
Every Thursday and Sunday will be a programmed in Rest Day. That does not mean that you have to rest on that day, it just means there will not be a regular WOD posted on that day. If you do plan to workout on a rest day simply make-up an old workout that you missed.
WOD: 03/30/20
Movement Demos will be posted to Instagram and Facebook Stories
6 minute AMRAP of:
12 Air Squats
12 Single Leg Hops, each leg
12 Hollow Rocks
“Annie” at home
100-80-60-40-20 reps of:
Lateral Line Hops
50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
“Karen” at home
For time:
200 Squats Holding a heavy object
*aim for at least 20-ish pounds.*a bag of books, box of christmas decorations, dog, etc.
Cool Down:
Hip/Quad/Wall x 2:00/side
Deep Lunge x 2:00/side
Cobra Stretch x 2:00