What are Whole Foods?
No Class or open gym this saturday. The Box is closed.
Monday we will be running Murph at 11am.
What are Whole Foods?
Whole foods are generally characterized as foods that have not been processed, refined or had ingredients added to them. In other words, foods that are as close to their natural form as possible.
Whole foods include fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, meat, fish and eggs.
Reasons to eat whole foods:
Contain healthy chemicals that are only found in unprocessed plants (i.e. fruits and veggies).
Excellent source of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
Increased amounts of “good fats” and decreased amounts of “bad fats.”
Unlike processed foods they don’t have sugar or fat added.
Getting your daily requirements of fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients from real, unprocessed foods is always better than relying on supplements.
You don’t need to drastically change how you eat. Instead take baby steps in switching over to more of these whole foods. Replace a processed food item you have with an unprocessed one. Keep doing this until you reach your goal (for example, a good goal could be to have whole foods account for 70% of your daily intake, or whatever you see as being achievable).
There’s no need to be overwhelmed or go too extreme by trying to be 100%. Be realistic with yourself and find a goal that you can maintain long term.
Rest Day