Halloween Costume WOD!!!

WOD:   10/31/15

Halloween WOD!

20:15 AMRAP of:
10 Partner Wall balls 20/14
31 Pull-ups
10 Partner Burpees
115/75 pound Front squat, 31 reps
10 Partner Wall balls
31 Toes-to-bar
10 Partner Burpees
115/75 pound Push press, 31 reps


Just a couple of Crossfit Halloween Costume ideas.

Even if you don't plan on dressing up and going out on Halloween, dress up as something and come WOD, it will be freaking fun!!! I promise!

Other ideas include dressing up as your significant other, dressing up as a person that you WOD with everyday, or dressing up as a CrossFit Games athlete!

Derek Eason