Furniture Sliders

WOD:   12/09/15

Turkish Get-ups
3-3-3-3-3 reps (each arm)

4 rounds for time of:
14 Box jumps 24/20”
7 Deadlifts 315/225 lbs.


Mike Johnston Wall Balling!!!

Mike Johnston Wall Balling!!!

Furniture Sliders!

Need ideas for at home/travel workouts? Crossfit Invictus has been posting workout ideas using furniture sliders. They're cheap, small enough to fit in a suit case, and can offer some brutal movement variations. Check out their ideas here:

Invictus plans on posting more ideas in the coming weeks, so check their blogs for updates (or just get creative on your own)!">Amazon</a sells four packs for $10.

Happy sliding!

Brought to you by Cassie Finer

Derek Eason