Row, Row, Row, and Row some more!

WOD:   12/08/15

For time:
Row 1000m
50 Toes to bar
50 Burpees
Run 800m


We have got eight great rowers now! Have fun getting all fit and stuff on them!

We have got eight great rowers now! Have fun getting all fit and stuff on them!

In terms of training value for time spent, there is little that comes close to rowing. It is cardio and it is strengthening. Rowing, alone, taps into both energy pathways: Anaerobic and Aerobic. An energy pathway is the means by which the body delivers energy to the muscles, which can be converted into work by their contraction.

The major advantage of rowing over other types of training is the “whole body” nature of it. CrossFit endeavors to cover all major muscle groups in a multitude of strength-related and aerobic manners. Bringing a rowing machine into the circuit will enhance the intensity of both the strengthening aspects as well as the aerobic aspects of the session for almost the entire body. Also, by varying the speed and load of the machine, it is possible to activate all the energy pathways described above, giving you a more complete workout.


Brought to you by Caitlin Brennan



Derek Eason