Rice Crispy Treats!?
WOD: 8/04/15
Each for time:
Row 1000 meters
85/55 pound Thruster, 21 reps
15 Toes to Bar
Row 750 meters
85/55 pound Thruster, 18 reps
12 Toes to Bar
Row 500 meters
85/55 pound Thruster, 15 reps
9 Toes to Bar
Eat Rice Krispy Treats to Get Your Six Pack?!
Ok guys don’t freak out and think you can live off of rice krispy treats because of the title however they may not be the devil if you’re after your six pack! I read an interesting article on rice krispy treats, which I will attach so you all can read the whole thing if you’d like. Make a note, I’m not saying run out and eat a bunch of processed shit, that’s bad. The point of the article however talks about how something like a RKT can pack a lot of calories in one punch. One quote from the article says “The effectiveness of eating a mostly whole foods diet is that meats and veggies don’t tend to add up to a whole lot of Calories.” and that people tend to focus on less and less when it comes to calories and that can kill your metabolism. Check out the article and see for yourself! Sorry challenge goers, no RKTs for you. The article can be found here: http://www.eattoperform.com/2014/03/30/rice-krispy-treats-trump-kale-for-abs-and-3-other-things-that-might-surprise-you/
Brought to you by Sean Mackey