Looking to Compete?
WOD: 8/05/15
Back squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps at 75-80%
12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
95/65 pound Power snatch
Workout Courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.
The WODtoberfest is the next CrossFit competition coming up, it will be in Gresham October 3rd.
With the Rogue Rampage just finishing up this past weekend, and Amber, Trish, Travis, and Austin kicking ass in it! It may have been some of our newer member’s first exposure to a competition and the fun that can be had at them. Maybe it put a fire under your ass and made you want to compete and if it did you will definitely have the opportunity to! There are lots of local competitions around you can always ask us coaches if you are having a hard time finding one. The people that put on the Rogue Rampage have two more coming up soon. WODtoberfest which is a male/female team is in October and then the Gobbler Gauntlet is a MMM/FFF team of three which will be in December. If you want more information on either you can check out NW Fit games here: http://nwfitgames.com/ and if you have any questions if you should to Rx or Scaled just come talk to any of us coaches and we can help guide you in the right direction!
Written by Sean Mackey, Photo from www.nwfitgames.com