Get those Double-Unders down!

WOD:   8/11/15

15 minutes of HSPU practice:
Deficit, negatives, kicking up, etc.

3 rounds for time of:
10 Overhead Squats 145/105
400m run

Yesterday was Rebecka and Abdul's Birthday too!Happy birthday again to all you dang August birthdays!

Yesterday was Rebecka and Abdul's Birthday too!
Happy birthday again to all you dang August birthdays!

You either love them or hate them. Some days you’ve “got them”, and other days you don’t. You may consider them a break between other movements during a WOD, or just an annoyance that you have to fight through so you can get back to the bar. Regardless of your relationship with double-unders, it is a skill—just like anything else—that can be attained and enhanced with practice and proper technique.

World champion jump roper, and Crossfit coach, Molly Metz gives us the following cues:

The key to perfecting the double-under starts with the set-up position.

The JumpNRope Double Under Set-Up

Shoulders & Chest
-Relaxed and loose
-Hollow position

-Firm grip with thumb and pointer finger
-Drive the thumb down to initiate movement
-Keep your hands in the 3pm-6pm-3pm clock zone (where 12 o’clock is directly above your head, and 3 pm is in front of you)

-Use a rope weight that feels comfortable
-10-12” overhead
-Adjustable size ropes are preferable

-2-4” bound off the floor
-Jump on the balls of your feet
-Toes hang towards the ground on the bound, long hanging legs

-Gaze fixed to the horizon
-Neck relaxed

-Behind the plane of the body
-90-100 degree bend

-Quick ‘flick-flick’
-‘Shake’ your wrists out

-In line with toes
-Abdominals engaged
-Glutes slightly squeezed

-Bent slightly in athletic position
-Absorb the bound upon landing

Brought to you by Coach Caitlin

Derek Eason