The CrossFit Handshake

WOD:   8/12/15

Deadlift 7-7-7-7-7 reps

 21-18-15-12-9-6 and 3 rep rounds of:
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75/55 pounds
Push jerk, 75/55 pounds

Workout Courtesy of CrossFit, Inc.

Every class should know each others names like this 5am crew does!

Every class should know each others names like this 5am crew does!

The Crossfit Handshake

You may have noticed that Corvallis slows down a bit during the summer.  It is the natural cycle of a college town.  The traffic thins out, you don’t have to wait in line to karaoke at that Peacock, and sometimes you might be one of two Train members busting out an afternoon WOD.  There are a number of our college student members who leave Train for the summer; yet, there are a number of people who find Train during the summer.  Maybe they are just landing in Corvallis to start a PhD.  Maybe they heard Crossfit will get them the beach bod they have always desired.  I don’t know - maybe they ran into Derek at Cibelli’s and he talked them into joining.  There is a TRAIN load of new people in this box and it is time to remind you all of Crossfit handshake.  It may have been coined by our fearless founder Brooke Bergeson herself, and dude – it is a huge part of why our box culture is super rad. 

The Crossfit handshake – it is the introducing of yourself to anyone you haven’t met yet.  Have you been doing that? Do you know everyone’s name? Do you know how they found our awesome community?  Ask.  If you forgot a name, ask again – Jacob does it all the time and we still love him.

The Train culture – you drank the kool-aid, right? We are a community that greets folks, either with a smile, high five, side slap, or any of the hand gestures other cults use.  We connect with each other – almost every day.  We connect before WODs and during warm-ups.   We partner up in stretches and in WODS.  We cheer for others after we finish our work out – and hell, if we can breathe – during a workout.   We are community of athletes, friends and family. 

We get together outside of WOD too.  Crossfit Train athletes compete at almost every nearby competition and many members come out to show support.  You should check out a competition as a competitor or spectator, it is a ton of fun and a great way to get to know your Crossfit community. Crossfit Train hosts potlucks and BBQs.  Coach Jenna organizes hikes.  Did you hear about the Spa Day?  We all share a love for physical fitness, adventure and community.  If you want to organize a group bike ride or Block 15 take over, let a coach know and they can help spread the word in the box and on the blog – until then, go introduce yourself to someone you don’t know.

Rebecka Weinsteiger

Derek Eason