Halloween Party!!!! Friday at 7pm!

It's that time of year again! Hopefully by now you have your costume planned and ready to go! If not, get a move on! Our Halloween Party is this FRIDAY, October 28th! Start time is 7pm!

Some burgers and hot dogs will be provided!
Bring your own booze, food to grill, AND SIDE DISHES to share!

There will be a best costume competition!

COSTUMES ARE NOT MANDATORY, BUT YOUR ATTENDANCE IS! Bring your kids, bring your nannies, bring your Halloween spirit, and lets freaking party!



WOD:   10/24/16

Work up to a heavy Front Squat

10 rounds for time of:
95/65-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls, 7 reps
95/65-lb. front squats, 7 reps
95/65-lb. push jerks, 7 reps


Derek Eason