Happy Halloween!!!

WOD:   10/31/16


“Humans vs. Zombies”

For time with a partner:
“Walk Like the Dead”: 30 wall walks
“Grave Bursters” : 60 burpees
“Brain Toss” : 60 Wall Ball, 20/14-lbs.
“Blood on the Bar” : 60 Pull ups
“Skull Crushers”: 60 Push-ups
“Suppressing Fire” : 180 Double Unders
“Jump High or Die” : 60 Box Jumps, 24"/20"
“Haul Off the Dead”: 60 Deadlifts, 185/135-lbs.


Feel free to wear you Costume to the WOD!!!!


The Halloween Party was amazing!!! Thank you all so much for dressing up and making it a blast!!!

Derek Eason