To Smoothie, or not to Smoothie??


Tomorrow (12/16) the 5am, 5:30am, and 6am are cancelled! 7am will go as scheduled. And there will be an extended Open Gym from 8am - 10am!

If you plan on coming tomorrow morning be cautious on those roads! A workout isn't worth a car crash or worse!


All of you should have received a CrossFit Train Newsletter to your inbox, but if you haven't then here is a link to it:
There is an important announcement, the schedule over the Holidays, and much much more! Make sure to give it a read!



WOD:   12/16/16

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Abmat sit-ups
53/35-lb. Kettlebell Swings




Another awesome CrossFit Journal article on the topic of Smoothies.

Are these blended meals a good idea or not!?

Read the article and find out opinions and insight on both sides of the argument.




Derek Eason