To headband......or not to headband?


Spring Apparel

T-shirts and Tanks:   $25

Crew Necks:   $45

Cash or Check to Derek Eason, LLC!

Payment and Orders are due by Monday May 2nd!!!


WOD:   4/28/16

3 rounds each for time of:
Row 20 calories
20 Burpees, jumping over the bar
20 Hang power cleans, 135/95

 *Rest as needed between rounds.


To headband.....or not to headband.

Team JUNK came up with 16 super smart reasons why you should wear a headband, and I think our boys in the box would totally agree:

(check out the full article here:


1. Keep the sweat at bay.

2. Keep those wild locks of hair back.

3. Stay cool.

4. No more bad hair days.

5. Intimidate your opponent.

6. Get noticed by recruiters. 

7. Stand out for safety.

8. Turn pro.

9. Eliminate helmet funk.

10. Block the elements.

11. Show your unique style.

12. Step aside lucky underwear.

13. Feel the power.

14. Express your mood.

15. Fuel your inspiration every day.

16. Make a statement without saying a word.

Headband information brought to you by Caitlin Brennan.

Derek Eason