Regionals Tickets Reminder!
WOD: 4/04/16
Power Clean
3 Rounds for time of:
20 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
10 Power Cleans 155/105
Thom, Caitlin, and I looking serious on somebodies computer at Regionals 2014. Team CrossFit Train!
The West Regional 2016
This year is pretty awesome because regionals will be right here in Portland, OR! It will be happening the weekend of May 20-22nd at the Moda Center. Tickets went on sale March 28th on the CrossFit games website. If you are planning on going I wouldn’t waste any time buying your tickets so you aren’t left without one!
We are hoping to go to Regionals this year in force to cheer on Joey and hopefully Hayley!
If you went in 2014 then you know it was an awesome time! Plus this year the West Region includes both the Canada West and Northwest Regions, so even more athletes and fitness!
Join the TRAIN and get your tickets now!