We've got Landmines!

WOD:   5/09/16

2016 CrossFit Games Regionals Events 3 and 4

For time:
104 wall-ball shots 20/14-lb. ball
52 pull-ups

*Time cap at 6:00

At 7:00

4 rounds for time:
28 one-legged squats, alternating
15 power cleans 115/75-lbs.

*Time cap at 17:00


You may have noticed a small tube of metal connected to the end of the rig, that is one of our Rogue Fitness Landmines!

This demo video with Games Athlete Matt Chan, shows one of many exercises that can be done with this cool little piece of Rogue steel.

Rowing is another great exercise that the Landmines can be used for.

And pressing too!


Feel free to give one of our LANDMINES a try before or after class or during Open Gym!

Derek Eason