Respect the Strength Component!

Youth/ Teen Strength & Conditioning Class Survey

Over the last few months our youth and teen strength & conditioning classes have grow very considerably. I have decided that it is time to look into expanding the class times and days. 

If your child or a child you know would has attended or would like to attend our S&C classes please fill out this survey for me so that Iron Beaver Weightlifting can increase the number of opportunities that the youth of Corvallis can learn about exercise and stay in shape or prepare themselves for their upcoming seasons.

If you haven't filled out the attached survey please take the 5 minutes to fill it out. If you have already filled it out, I have added a comment section If you would like to add comments.

Thank you



January Newsletter!!! -


WOD:   1/13/17

Establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk


Heavy “Grace”
For time:
30 Clean and Jerks at 70% of 1RM



Strength Components!

It’s the new year and I’m sure everyone has some new goals they are getting ready to strive for! With that I want to chat about the importance of our strength component when you see them. No, we do not have a strength component every day, nor do you need one to become fitter and stronger. This component of the WOD is when we help break down our muscles to help them grow and tax our central nervous system to elicit change. Which, in a nutshell, is how we get stronger. By putting our body under the stressor (heavy weight in this case) we can cause a positive change. The strength component is also not a race to get done which is why we as coaches harp on resting between sets. Also, no just trying to one rep max every day does not help us make those changes like doing 5 sets of 5 reps does. Therefore, it is important to take your strength component seriously and get after it! The metcon is not what makes us stronger, but more to come on that soon!

-Sean Mackey

Sean and Drew doing 5 sets of 5 shoulder presses, friends don't let friends skip out on the strength component!



Derek Eason