Ring Dips!
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WOD: 1/31/17
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Rope climbs, 2 ascents
10 Ring Dips
10 Weighted Sit-ups 45/35-lb. plate
Ok, so of course Rope Climbs are exciting, but Ring Dips are very important too!
If you ever hope to get on top a pair of Rings, also known as a muscle-up. Then mastering the Ring Dip is your only path to that dream! If you just want to get stronger and more fit, then the Ring Dip is a great way to build some serious upper body strength and stability!
Check out these videos on what the Ring Dip is and how to progress and improve at executing them! At class today make sure to get in some good practice reps and spend some time with a coach working on form and scaling to get you closer to mastering the Dip!