Tis the Season, to make some Goals!

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WOD:   1/05/17

Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 reps
(Start at 65% and work up!)

3 rounds for time of:
80 Double-unders
40 Air Squats
20 Deadlifts 185/135-lbs.





Tis the season, to make some goals!

A new month, a new week, or even a new year is the perfect opportunity to set a new goal.  We all have goals, and we all need goals. They give us hope, and they keep us going; especially with Crossfit.  However, sometimes ambition gets in the way by setting too many goals.

Having more than one goal has the potential to damage your focus.  It is almost impossible not to have multiple goals within Crossfit, because we are constantly developing. I believe in working through goals one at a time, periodization. Structure your programming around a primary goal, and accompany it with more randomized training.

When athletes have long lists of goals, they tend to pick the easiest option to work on, rather than the most important one.  For example, someone who’s strength is lifting may have a goal to get stronger.  However, they may have another goal to increase speed in metabolic workouts.  Typically this athlete will choose what is comfortable and ignore the areas that they should be working on. 

Achieving goals requires breaking old habits.  If you are attempting to achieve multiple goals, you are also likely trying to break multiple habits at once.  Perfection in Crossfit is impossible. Don’t expect to achieve all your goals at once, or even in a year.  Narrowing down your goals will be far more useful.  We’re always trying to be efficient with our movements; we should apply that to our goals as well. 

“Work smarter, not harder.”


--Caitlin Brennan

Derek Eason