CrossFit Train 97333

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Class at 9am, Open Gym at 10am

WOD:   11/22/17


Teams of 3
For time:
100 seconds in a plank all together
Row/Ski/Bike 100 Calories
100 Pull-ups
Row/Ski/Bike 100 Calories
100 Burpees
Row/Ski/Bike 100 Calories
100 seconds in a plank all together.

*Time cap: 40 minutes.

*Share calories and reps however. One person working at a time.




Thanksgiving Week Schedule:

Monday: Normal

Tuesday: Normal, except 3:30pm cancelled

Wednesday: 9am Class, 10am Open Gym

Thursday: 9am Class, 10am Open Gym

Friday: 9am Class, 10am Open Gym

Weekend: Normal