Dumbbells Anyone???

SIGN UP!  It's almost here!   HTTPS://GAMES.CROSSFIT.COM/


Starting this Friday from 3:30pm to 7pm We will be running heats of 17.1

Athletes, Judges, and spectators are all welcome and needed!

The Open is going to be a blast! 


If you are already signed up make sure to add yourself to the TEAM: 




WOD:   2/21/17


Deadlift 7-7-7-7-7 reps

CrossFit Games Open 12.1

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:

*Open Standard to a 6” Target.





We don't know when and we don't know what we will be doing with them, but we do know that we will be using dumbbells in the 2017 CrossFit Games Open.

RX weights will be 50-lbs. and 35-lbs.

Scaled and Masters weights will be 35-lbs., 20-lbs., and 10-lbs.


As of right now CrossFit Train has enough Dumbbells in each of these weights to get us through the Open Workout, whatever it may be. 

However, I would like to make a formal request to all of you to let CrossFit Train borrow any dumbbells that you may have at home which fall in to any of these weight categories.

Our Current dumbbell stock is:

3 pairs of 50-lb.
3 pairs of 35-lb.
4 pairs of 20-lb.
6 pairs of 10-lb.

As you can see the 35-lb. and 50-lb. variety of dumbbells are what we are in greatest need of!

If you so happen to have an at home pair of any of these dumbbell sizes and would be wiling to let us all borrow them to make the Open run extra smooth, please let me know at derek.crossfittrain@gmail.com or 541-270-2973

Thank you every buddy!!!

The Open in going to be a blast!!!

Derek Eason